Thursday, May 17, 2012


TEXAS, if Nebraska can do it, so can TEXAS.  Just tell your friends to say "NO to RINO'S"! 
In District 55 the Tea Party must shine to oust incumbent Ralph Sheffield who will NOT debate challenger and Tea Party favorite John Alaniz.  What does that tell you?  He also will not go on local radio station 1400am though asked to do so in order to defend his record.  What does that tell you? 
Great job by Nebraskans.  It's our turn now guys in Central Texas- District 55



NebraskaTPP posted an update in the group National News

Nebraska. We did it!.

Have you seen the news? We got an underdog Tea Party Candidate to win the primary over the heavily favored GOP plant of the ruling elite of the REpublican Party.

I visited with the Indiana State Coordinator who was heavily involved in the removal of 35 year veteran Dick Lugar. He gave us some great advice and we made our ten day push. Working the precincts. Getting radio interviews and doing a 41 newspaper Letter to the Editor campaign. Now it is all over the news about this dark horse coming from behind in the last ten days. I actually had three of the four campaigns call me within 7 hours of each other wanting our endorsement. Talk about pressure. Then I talked with Indiana, and we started the push. Heck, We even got some of our TP conservative state senators advanced as well. The GOP Establishment is quaking people and they are trying to do some spin to explain what happened, but we all know what it is. The left all claimed that the Tea Party Movement was dead. Well they are regretting saying that now. AND the media is all over Indiana and Nebraska victories because they are without a doubt, Tea Party victories. PLUS the Liberals in Wisconsin are shaking in their union underwear over this. The numbers show that the Governor Scott Walker is looking like he is going to retain his governorship. The Senators under recall efforts look pretty solid too. The Tea Party is now on a roll that has the liberals and the GOP Establishment spinning in circles and they cannot do anything about it. The majority of REpublicans in the nation are Tea Party Republicans and they can see that their hold on power within the party is likely to disappear.
So, we are celebrating my fellow TP Patriots. You who maintain the TP momentum by blogging, donating, attending chapter meetings or outdoor rallies, or are lobbying from your kitchen are all part of this steam rolling within the political arena. So, thank you and keep it up. I am so proud of being involved in the TPP and from now on, the old status quot is recognized as the wrong program to follow. We are not setting the rules.
 Hooray and look out Obama… we are gonna not gonna get your out of the Presidency, we are gonna ’Show you the door’.