Friday, May 11, 2012

A Bit Disappointed in Representative Sheffield

By Bill and Georgia Thomas

Recently the Texas Representative for the 55th District has been getting a bit of what I assume to be free publicity on the local Television Stations.  

I have yet to hear Ralf Sheffield say anything in this barrage of “I support good stuff” messages I disagree with. However, I do question the timing and motive behind the TV spots.  While the nature of the message seems to be public service on a variety of quality civic projects and issues, the timing is transparently political in nature and frankly a bit seedy.  Certainly I would be the last guy to challenge the concept of any citizen championing good causes such as local blood drives.  However, a State Representative running for office is no more qualified to support civic projects than a local plumbing contractor.  All civic minded local citizens should get behind our obligation to do the right thing.  If the message is regarding state funds that support a local project I certainly understand and support our local State Representative being on my TV screen explaining the need for the project.  I submit that as my civil employee and a public servant with the mandate of overseeing my state tax dollar he has the obligation to explain the quality of a local cause if it is state funded.  However, if he is using the power of his office to appear as someone special and enhance his image during a campaign for political advantage I am disappointed with a man I have always respected.  Please do not use the knee jerk reaction that “Everybody does it”.  That didn’t work with my kids when they were growing up and it certainly should not be an excuse for a man entrusted to run my state.  Like all incumbents Representative Sheffield has an obligation to address his record and the issues that relate to his office.  To attempt to enhance his personal qualities via the power of that office is beneath a man of his caliber.  Such unseemly political tactics should be left to the liberals.  They’re better at it and frankly don’t have Ralph’s quality record to stand on.