Wednesday, April 4, 2012



Representative Ralph Sheffield is running for his third term in District 55.  Here are 19 questions regarding what he believes and how he has performed up to this point.  These cast a large shadow on whether or not his decision making deserves your vote again this May 29th

1.               Why didn’t he support the most conservative candidate for Speaker of the House (He signed pledged card to Straus)?

Election of Speaker (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
January 11, 2011; RV #1; Journal Page 15:
132 Yeas, 15 Nays, 2 Presentnotvoting
YCT - Nay or Presentnotvoting.
Prior to the start of the 82nd Session, YCT endorsed Rep. Ken Paxton for Speaker of the Texas House and issued a press release stating that we would include the vote for speaker in our legislative ratings. Speaker Straus hails from the Moderate wing of the Republican Party. His leadership during the 81st legislative session and during the 82nd legislative session has been disappointing to many conservatives. Rep. Paxton, on the other hand, is a proven conservative who currently holds the highest career rating on YCT’s legislative ratings.

2.                Is he willing to document for his constituents whether he agrees, disagrees or is undecided on every line item on the Texas Republican Party Platform?
3.                How does he think the 82nd session was a success if only 14 of the 46 Republican Party Platform Priorities made it out of committee to be voted on in the house chamber?
4.                Why did he tell the Conservative Tea Party Group that Straus punished Republicans and then change his story for the Temple Daily Telegram, saying “it’s not punishment its just part of the process?”
5.                 In the same article he said anyone not being apart of the process (influence peddling) is a “renegade.”  Isn’t disregarding the Republican Party platform established by 6000 delegates more in line of acts of a renegade?
6.                Why does he think punishing legislators for voting their conscience isn’t a crime when the Texas Constitution says it is?
Texas Constitution
Texas Statutes
Sec. 302.033.  LEGISLATIVE BRIBERY:  ACCEPTING BENEFITS.  A member of or candidate for the house of representatives commits an offense if, on the representation or understanding that the member or candidate will cast a vote for a particular person for speaker of the house of representatives, the member or candidate solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept:
(1)  the appointment of or refusal to appoint a person to a chairmanship or vice-chairmanship of a house committee or subcommittee;
(2)  the appointment of or refusal to appoint a person to a particular house committee or subcommittee, the Legislative Budget Board, the Texas Legislative Council, the Legislative Library Board, the Legislative Audit Committee, or any other position the speaker appoints;
(3)  preferential or unfavorable treatment on any legislation or appropriation;

7.               Why did he support a smoking ban last session when he was against in 2008 saying it’s a property rights issue? Why isn’t it a Property Rights issue any more?
SB 1811 Floor Amendment 55  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Adoption; May 20, 2011; RV #1216; Journal Page 4547:
79 Yeas, 58 Nays, 3 Presentnotvoting
YCT - Yea.
Amendment 55 amended the provisions of Amendment 53 to exempt billiard halls from a statewide ban on smoking in public businesses. Besides limiting the scope of a regulation YCT opposed, this amendment was positive for two primary reasons. First, billiard halls consistently spokeout at legislative hearings opposing the regulation. Second, the exemption acknowledged that smoking bans negatively impact some businesses more than others. Businesses like billiard halls and bowling alleys have been particularly hardhit by smoking bans because the laws require smokers to leave their game in order to go outside and smoke.
 SB 1811 Floor Amendment 53  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Adoption; May 20, 2011; RV #1217; Journal Page 4549:
73 Yeas, 66 Nays, 3 Presentnotvoting
YCT - Nay.
Amendment 53 would have imposed a statewide ban on smoking in public businesses. YCT strongly opposes a statewide smoking ban because it violates the rights of property owners to decide what to allow in their own businesses. Those who would like a smoke free environment should seek out businesses which do not allow smoking. Those businesses who would like to cater to those customers who desire to smoke in their bar or other business should be free to provide that service.

8.                Why did he reject prioritizing funding for the Department of Aging and disability over the Commission on the Arts?
HB 1 Floor Amendment 6  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Adoption; April 1, 2011; RV #215; Journal Page 1240:
67 Yeas, 61 Nays, 17 Presentnotvoting
YCT - Yea.
Amendment 6 transferred money from the Commission on the Arts to the Department of Aging and
Disability Services. During tough fiscal times, the state is forced to prioritize where it spends money, and it is important that spending be prioritized for the provision of those services on which people rely for their health and safety, rather than being spent to subsidize luxuries, like the arts.  However, YCT believes that Amendment 6 offered an obvious public policy choice, as subsidies to the arts are completely unnecessary, especially when funds are needed to fund services for the elderly and the disabled.

9.                  Why does he favor mandatory vaccination schemes?
SB 1107
Passage; May 6, 2011; RV #817; Journal Page 3129:
122 Yeas, 14 Nays, 2 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
SB 1107 expands a mandatory bacterial meningitis vaccination program passed during the 81st legislative session to include all incoming students at Texas institutions of higher education, even those students who elect to live off‐campus.  YCT opposes mandatory vaccination schemes, especially those which do not provide alternatives for those who choose not to participate.
SB 7 Floor Amendment 11 (Special Session)  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Motion to Table; June 8, 2011; RV #11; Journal Page 45:
84 Yeas, 52 Nays, 1 Presentnotvoting
YCT  - Nay on Motion to Table.
Amendment 11 would have required state regulated healthcare policies to provide a waiver from mandatory immunizations for those who object on religious grounds. YCT opposes mandatory immunization schemes and supports optouts for those who choose not to participate.

10.           Why didn’t he stand up against attempts to fund a Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transsexual Resource Center on a State Campus? Young Conservatives of Texas Grade Sheet.
SB 1 Floor Amendment 150 (Special Session)  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Adoption; June 9, 2011; RV #53; Journal Page 340:
44 Yeas, 92 Nays, 3 Presentnotvoting
YCT  - Nay.
REP. SHEFFIELD – Unexcused Absence (= to blocking the attempt to prohibit universities from funding LGBT resource centers).
Amendment 150 gutted the provisions of Amendment 148 which would have prohibited universities from providing funding, space, or resources for an LGBT or otherwise labeled homosexual resource center.
This amendment was a followup to the “Traditional Family Values Center” amendment offered on the budget during the regular session but sought to cut to the chase by completely eliminating prohomosexual political centers from our universities.
YCT believes that taxpayer money and mandatory student fees should not be spent on brick and mortar centers which promote a political and social agenda.

11.             How is it possible for him to take credit for a bill that was being created before he arrived in Austin?  Isn’t that misleading and make his most effective legislator award fraudulent?
Video of the House Floor on April 19th at the 7:15:43 into the video.  Representative Gonzalez asks Sheffield; “is the first time this body as seen this piece of legislation Mr. Sheffield?” Sheffield; “No it is not.”  Gonzalez; in fact this bill has been a work in progress for at least 4 years, that I am familiar with, that I have been a part of, does that sound about right? Sheffield; “very much so.”
12.             Why did he say Straus helped Representative Simpson when Representative Simpson said Straus block his TSA bill and publically called it a publicity stunt?
13.              Why did he tell his constituents that people are too conservative?
14.              Why did he tell his constituents that the Tea Party has lost its influence?
15.             Why does he tell people they passed a balanced budget when they know there are planned deficits in the budget and the next session is already in a deficit?
16.             Why does he say the Rainy day fund was preserved when he knows they will need to use it next session because of the planned deficits?
17.             Why didn’t he reject a hotel tax to begin with before saying he was for it in the local newspaper?
18.             Why does he act like he’s sympathetic to Donald Bull Locksmith for being adversely affected by over regulation yet voted for more in the last session?
HB 1625
Passage; April 13, 2011; RV #365; Journal Page 1745:
MORE REGULATIONS140 Yeas, 5 Nays, 1 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
REP. SHEFFIELD - Yea                                          
HB 1625 increases the continuing education requirements necessary to renew an electrical sign apprentice license. This is another measure that begs the question: “What is the glaring need for this regulation?” Legislators should avoid the temptation to regulate professions; the benefits are questionable and the primary demand for regulation usually comes from rent seekers within the profession who wish to create barriers to entry in order to decrease competition and drive up prices.
HB 1395
Passage; May 4, 2011; RV #708; Journal Page 2864:
MORE REGULATIONS134 Yeas, 7 Nays, 2 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
HB 1395 will phase-in mandatory boater education courses and licenses for people born after September 1, 1993 to legally operate a boat. YCT opposes unnecessary licensing and regulation. This regulation will present a new burden to the enjoyment of boating by all Texans.
HB 2678
Passage; May 6, 2011; RV #813; Journal Page 3124:
MORE REGULATIONS129 Yeas, 5 Nays, 2 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
HB 2678 imposed new requirements for the certification of driving instructors and courses. YCT opposes unnecessary licensing and regulation. This regulation will present new burdens to the provision of driver education and will likely increase driver education costs.
HB 2507
Passage; May 13, 2011; RV #1102; Journal Page 3960:
MORE REGULATIONS125 Yeas, 11 Nays, 1 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
HB 2507 created the offense of installing an irrigation system without a license. This measure begs the question, “What is the desperate need for this new criminal offense?” Legislators should avoid the temptation to regulate professions as the benefits are questionable, and the primary demand for regulation usually comes from rent seekers within the profession and who wish to create barriers to entry to decrease competition and drive up prices.

19.             Why won’t he debate his only competitor in the upcoming election, John Alaniz in a Lincoln/Douglas Debate?

 I think these are all fair questions that should be asked of Representative Sheffield before the election.  You can contact him @

Capitol Address:

Room E2.314, Capitol Extension
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
(512)463-0937 Fax

District Address:

3000 S. 31st Street Suite 505
Temple, TX 76502
(254)771-5775 Fax