Tuesday, April 17, 2012



 Join with WomenOnTheWall.Org and other Tea Party group leaders and activists across Texas in saying, “NO TO PLEDGE CARDS.” 

It is unbelievable that the Texas Legislature allows the Texas House Speaker to strong-arm fellow legislators into pledging their votes for the House Speaker’s Race in 2013 before the current session has even ended. This practice is unethical and perhaps even illegal and it is time for members of the Texas Legislature to pledge their support to their citizen constituents, not the power brokers in Texas business and politics! Time to end corruption in Texas politics. Sign the Grassroots Texans Open Letter to members of the Texas House (click link below), urging them to stand for the people and not sign pledge cards. From our Friends at Grassroots Texans: As the Texas State Legislature draws to a close, the House Leadership is right now pressuring House members to sign ‘pledge cards,’ which are pledges of loyalty to the current House leadership. If you believe, as I do, that our elected public servants owe their loyalty to THE PEOPLE rather than to the House leadership, I encourage you to join me in signing on to this Open Letter urging our elected public servants to refuse to sign ‘pledge cards’: http://GrassrootsTexans.net/pages/openletter-pledgecards With enough of our fellow Texans standing with us, we can let our elected officials know, in no uncertain terms, that we expect them to express their loyalty to THE PEOPLE, not to other politicians.