Saturday, April 21, 2012

Will Christians really vote for Romney?


Some Christian and conservative voters may have qualms with Mitt Romney – namely his record on key issues like abortion, same-sex marriage and gun rights – but should the former Massachusetts governor secure the GOP nomination, he can still count on them to pull the lever for a Republican … right?

For over 30 years Christians in politics have been considered synonymous with the “religious right” and the “conservative base of the Republican Party.” But now a pair of authors is challenging the assumption that backing the GOP remains Christians’ best bet for advancing their values. 
“This question was actually first raised by Joseph Farah himself four years ago in his book, ‘None of the Above,’” author and nationally syndicated radio host Steve Deace told WND. “In his book, he outlined the insanity of rallying behind John McCain, who had spent decades trying to sabotage everything conservatives care about.
“For some Christians, being Republican is synonymous with being Baptist or Catholic or Methodist,” Deace continued. “The Republican Party has preyed on that. We believe it’s time to advance principles over party. Becoming a subsidiary of the Republican Party has been a colossal failure.”
The Iowa-based Deace, who has been called a “kingmaker” in presidential politics after he helped springboard Mike Huckabee to a surprise win in the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucus in 2008, has teamed with bestselling author and former CPAC emcee Gregg Jackson to write the eye-opening new book, “We Won’t Get Fooled Again: Where the Christian Right Went Wrong, and How to Make America Right Again.”
The book contains exclusive interviews with some of biggest names in faith and politics to find out – in their own words – whether Christians teaming with Republicans has actually advanced a conservative agenda … or stonewalled it.
“I’ll give you an example,” Deace told WND. “In the same week, the National Organization for Marriage endorsed Mitt Romney as a ‘true champion’ and then warned not to listen to his financial backers who are supporters of same-sex marriage. In the same week!
“Many patriots are scratching their heads and wondering how it’s possible to be stuck with ‘Obamney’ as a nominee right after so much progress was made electing principled grassroots patriots in 2010. This book answers that question,” Deace continued. “Romney isn’t the issue; he’s just the next well-funded hack to take advantage of a paradigm that sets us up for failure, and we’ve seen this play out many times.
“Ronald Reagan was the aberration,” Deace explained. “Ford, both Bushes, Dole, McCain and Romney are pretty much cut from the same cloth. … All of them were Republicrats, the ying to the ruling class’ Democrat yang. At best, they will better manage the decay, but at other times, actually advance it. We get what the left wants, either at breakneck speed or in a steady jog. If we do not heed the words of this book – most of them from some of the leading conservative activists and thinkers in the country – we will be stuck with another Mitt McCain or George W. Dole again in 2016.”  READ MORE