Thursday, May 24, 2012

59% of Americans: Prohibit Abortion in Most or All Circumstances


( - Fifty-nine percent of Americans say abortion should be illegal in most or all circumstances, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday.

Since 1994, Gallup has been asking Americans over 18 years of age whether their view is that abortion should be legal under any circumstances, legal under most circumstances, legal in only a few circumstances or illegal in all circumstances.
Both then and now, America had a pro-life majority, according to Gallup’s data, but that majority is bigger today.
In a survey conducted Sept. 6-7, 1994, 33 percent said abortion should be legal in all circumstances and 13 percent said it should be legal in most circumstances—making a total of 46 percent who said all or most abortions should be legal.
In that same 1994 poll, 38 percent said abortion should be legal only in a few circumstances and 13 percent said it should be illegal in all circumstances—making a majority of 51 percent who said abortion should be illegal in most or all circumstances.
In the survey released Wednesday, which was conducted May 3-6 of this year, 25 percent said abortion should be legal in all circumstances and 13 percent said it should be legal in most circumstances—making a total of 38 percent who said all or most abortions should be legal.
By contrast, 39 percent said abortion should be legal only in a few circumstances and 20 percent said it should be illegal in all circumstances—making a majority of 59 percent who said abortion should be illegal in most or all circumstances.

Abortion was legalized across the United States by the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. In that decision, Justice Harry Blackmun, who had been appointed to the court by Republican President Richard Nixon, said he believed the Constitution protected a “right to privacy” that he suspected was in the Fourteenth Amendment and that included a right to abortion.
“This right of privacy, whether it be founded in the Fourteenth Amendment’s concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or, as the District Court determined, in the Ninth Amendment’s reservation of rights to the people, is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy,” Blackmun wrote.
Then, again, Blackmun said that if it was determined that an unborn child was a “person,” the Fourteenth Amendment would explicitly protect the child’s right not to be aborted.
“The appellee and certain amici argue that the fetus is a ‘person’ within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment,” wrote Blackmun. “In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well known facts of fetal development. If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment.”

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ralph Sheffield: "Zombie-like Straus Supporter"

"Another zombie-like Straus supporter Ralph Sheffield was given a $13,000 poll this period. Sheffield, despite admitting the Speaker punished conservative Republicans in 2011, is thrilled to support the embattled House leader."
With a week to go before elections we are once again looking at campaign finance reports. As was the case in the last reporting period Joe Straus has marked his stragglers with contributions from his Texas House Leadership Fund.
Sid Miller is the most recently revealed Straus straggler singled out by the Fund. In district Miller has been marred by his support of the Speaker and his liberal policies. For his militant and vocal support of the Speaker Miller received $17,500 leading up to the election.
Another zombie-like Straus supporter Ralph Sheffield was given a $13,000 poll this period. Sheffield, despite admitting the Speaker punished conservative Republicans in 2011, is thrilled to support the embattled House leader.
Making the straggler list for second time is Barbara Nash. In her re-election bid Nash is fending off conservative challengers Matt Krause and Pat Carlson. Looking over Nash’s report reveals that Texans for Lawsuit Reform in a self defeating move is partnering with trial laywers and the gambling lobby by giving to Nash. The aforementioned groups are directly opposed to controlling the size of government and are tied to Joe Straus and Steve Mostyn.
The total given to candidates in the latest period was $75,000. The fund did collect a handful of contributions. Unchallenged Straus loyalists Dan Branch and Drew Darby directed campaign resources to the Fund.
Since putting spreadsheets on websites is “snazzy” here are the latest recipients of Joe Straus

Friday, May 18, 2012

Top 12 Reasons to Oust Speaker Straus




Texans have plenty of reasons to oust Speaker Joe Straus. We’ve highlighted the Top 12 reasons leading up to the election.

1.  Joe Straus agrees with Barack Obama: “we can’t cut your way to prosperity”.

2.  Straus voted for a payroll tax that would have increased the overall tax burden on 80% of Texans before becoming Speaker of the House. (HB 3, RV 119, 79th Legislature)

3.  Joe Straus voted to levy a “granny tax” on nursing home residents (HB 3778, RV 1048, 80th Legislature)

4.  Straus’ family is set to make millions when gambling is legalized in Texas.

5.  Straus punishes conservatives. A pro-Straus Republican is on record admitting so.

6.  Straus headlined a fundraiser for liberal Democrat Patrick Rose… who ran against conservative Republican Jason Isaac.

7.  Straus claims he’s a pro-life conservative, despite receiving a 100% rating from NARAL, receiving a $1,000 check from Planned Parenthood, and calling pro-life issues “campaign fodder.”

8.  Joe Straus refuses to sign the Taxpayer Pledge or support the Texas Budget Compact.

9.  “Centrist” Joe Straus rose to power during the “Democratic Wave that swept President Obama into office.”

10.  Straus appointed pro-gambling committee chairs, including one who moved districts to challenge a conservative.

11.  Liberal Democrats in the Texas House “can’t think of a better person to lead us…”

12.  Texas had a near super-majority of Republicans in both houses, but still couldn’t get spending caps passed under Straus’ leadership.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


TEXAS, if Nebraska can do it, so can TEXAS.  Just tell your friends to say "NO to RINO'S"! 
In District 55 the Tea Party must shine to oust incumbent Ralph Sheffield who will NOT debate challenger and Tea Party favorite John Alaniz.  What does that tell you?  He also will not go on local radio station 1400am though asked to do so in order to defend his record.  What does that tell you? 
Great job by Nebraskans.  It's our turn now guys in Central Texas- District 55



NebraskaTPP posted an update in the group National News

Nebraska. We did it!.

Have you seen the news? We got an underdog Tea Party Candidate to win the primary over the heavily favored GOP plant of the ruling elite of the REpublican Party.

I visited with the Indiana State Coordinator who was heavily involved in the removal of 35 year veteran Dick Lugar. He gave us some great advice and we made our ten day push. Working the precincts. Getting radio interviews and doing a 41 newspaper Letter to the Editor campaign. Now it is all over the news about this dark horse coming from behind in the last ten days. I actually had three of the four campaigns call me within 7 hours of each other wanting our endorsement. Talk about pressure. Then I talked with Indiana, and we started the push. Heck, We even got some of our TP conservative state senators advanced as well. The GOP Establishment is quaking people and they are trying to do some spin to explain what happened, but we all know what it is. The left all claimed that the Tea Party Movement was dead. Well they are regretting saying that now. AND the media is all over Indiana and Nebraska victories because they are without a doubt, Tea Party victories. PLUS the Liberals in Wisconsin are shaking in their union underwear over this. The numbers show that the Governor Scott Walker is looking like he is going to retain his governorship. The Senators under recall efforts look pretty solid too. The Tea Party is now on a roll that has the liberals and the GOP Establishment spinning in circles and they cannot do anything about it. The majority of REpublicans in the nation are Tea Party Republicans and they can see that their hold on power within the party is likely to disappear.
So, we are celebrating my fellow TP Patriots. You who maintain the TP momentum by blogging, donating, attending chapter meetings or outdoor rallies, or are lobbying from your kitchen are all part of this steam rolling within the political arena. So, thank you and keep it up. I am so proud of being involved in the TPP and from now on, the old status quot is recognized as the wrong program to follow. We are not setting the rules.
 Hooray and look out Obama… we are gonna not gonna get your out of the Presidency, we are gonna ’Show you the door’.

Monday, May 14, 2012


THE PROBLEMS we face today in the United States are largely because we have been duped by media to vote for leaders that are corrupt and unprincipled. If we are ever to win back our nation, we must vote locally as well as nationally for leaders that we know are above reproach.

We need Statesmen and not politicians. Where I live here in Texas there is a man running for State Representative named John Alaniz. I know him personally and I know him well. He has my vote, and I did not have to think twice when coming to that decision. Of everyone I know or have ever known, I can't name a single person with MORE INTEGRITY than John Alaniz. He understands the battle that rages against Americans and will fight against the attack on our Constitution.  He is fighting against a Republican incumbent who, in my opinion, is a Republican in name only, and not a true conservative. (SEE LINK HERE FOR PROOF)

The incumbent, Ralph Sheffield has ten times more money, but nevertheless is in the fight for his life right now to hold onto the People's seat, which he does not deserve. When John Alaniz wins this May 29th, that will send a very strong message to Establishment Republicans in Texas!


If you have a chance, please take a moment and look him up and "like" his FB page in show of support for John and the need we have for real leaders in America.

If you want to know more about John here is a link:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Congressman Allen West



Congressman Allen West speaks to the BREC (Broward Republican Executive Committee) at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six Fort Lauderdale, FL.

This is the type of Representative we need to vote for in Texas, especially in District 55.  That is why I am backing John Alaniz in the May 29th primary and I urge you to do the same.  We don't need RINO's, but TRUE CONSERVATIVES in leadership positions in Texas and around the United States.

A Bit Disappointed in Representative Sheffield

By Bill and Georgia Thomas

Recently the Texas Representative for the 55th District has been getting a bit of what I assume to be free publicity on the local Television Stations.  

I have yet to hear Ralf Sheffield say anything in this barrage of “I support good stuff” messages I disagree with. However, I do question the timing and motive behind the TV spots.  While the nature of the message seems to be public service on a variety of quality civic projects and issues, the timing is transparently political in nature and frankly a bit seedy.  Certainly I would be the last guy to challenge the concept of any citizen championing good causes such as local blood drives.  However, a State Representative running for office is no more qualified to support civic projects than a local plumbing contractor.  All civic minded local citizens should get behind our obligation to do the right thing.  If the message is regarding state funds that support a local project I certainly understand and support our local State Representative being on my TV screen explaining the need for the project.  I submit that as my civil employee and a public servant with the mandate of overseeing my state tax dollar he has the obligation to explain the quality of a local cause if it is state funded.  However, if he is using the power of his office to appear as someone special and enhance his image during a campaign for political advantage I am disappointed with a man I have always respected.  Please do not use the knee jerk reaction that “Everybody does it”.  That didn’t work with my kids when they were growing up and it certainly should not be an excuse for a man entrusted to run my state.  Like all incumbents Representative Sheffield has an obligation to address his record and the issues that relate to his office.  To attempt to enhance his personal qualities via the power of that office is beneath a man of his caliber.  Such unseemly political tactics should be left to the liberals.  They’re better at it and frankly don’t have Ralph’s quality record to stand on.     

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


There is at least one thriving business in America. It is growing rampantly by the day.  It is called "Government" and it is OUT OF CONTROL. 
Evil continues in the halls of government as bill after bill seems to be headed our way with the intent of stripping We The People of our inalienable rights. CISPA is another indefensible attack on our freedom.  THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION. Please use the information at the bottom of the story to contact members of Congress and share this article ( while you are thinking about it) with as many people as possible, this is what I am doing.


Concerns with internet takeover are no longer alarmist. The House of Representatives is voting this week to eliminate ALL Internet privacy – yes that’s your banking, emails, the works! 

If  HR 3523/Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act (CISPA) gets enough House votes, the FED can access any of your personal online information in all forms including your email contents — with no legally filed cause nor due process.

In fact, they’ll have the support of major tech providers and telecoms to do so — with zero liability to those providers. Killing the Bill of Rights in one fell swoop! CISPA is aptly nicknamed SOPA’s “evil twin.” SOPA was only stopped because tech companies (unlike Hollywood) wouldn’t support it.
Their concern? They didn’t want liability for invasion of privacy issues. CISPA solves that corporate worry. So it is backed by Bill Gates Microsoft, AT&T, Facebook, Time Warner (the nation’s largest internet provider) plus IBM,Verizon and more.  Google backs this bill, also, according to CISPA spearheading sponsor Rep. Miller, D-8, Michigan (who should never be re-elected again!) However, worst of all is the betrayal of We the People by the Republican party. 78 GOP House members (of 112) are co-sponsors (more GOP sponsors on CISPA then DEMs!) US News summed it up well. Which measure is worse – the failed SOPA (which fell after massive public protest) or CISPA? That depends on whether you want to protect the 1st amendment or the 4th (pitting privacy against free speech.) Of course, you’re smarter than that. If there is NO-right-to-privacy-CISPA— there won’t be any free speech anymore, either!
Would you expect Darryl Issa and Tea Party elected Reps to co-sponsor this Fed takeover—along with Jesse Jackson, Jr, Sheila Jackson Lee and far left Gutierriz? They are all CISPA co-sponsors! Some CISPA sponsors, shockingly, include 1st term House Reps who got elected on platforms of protecting our Constitutional rights. (See names in bold on list below)
Full information, with links below, to Call and Email Members of the House (and sample statements for quick easy follow thru) House co-sponsors GOP Backing CISPA right now, 78 of 112 CISPA co-sponsors are GOP. Call them to convince them to withdraw their support.
Priority Calls: The names in bold got elected by the Tea Party to protect the Constitution.
Call today, via Congressional switchboard. (202)224-3121. These are the House Sponsors of CISPA. Call them now!
AL  3 Rogers
AL 5 Brooks
AL 6  Bachus
AR 1 Crawford
AZ 2 Frelinghuysen
AZ 3 Quayle
CA 21 Nunes
CA 25 McKeon
CA 42 Miller
CA 44 Calvert
CA 45 BonoMack
CA 49 Issa
CA 50 Bilbray
CO 5 Lamborn
CO 6 Coffman
FL 1 Miller
FL 16 Rooney
FL 19 Ros-Lehtinen
GA 3 Westmoreland
GA 7 Woodall
GA 10 Broun
GA 11 Gingrey
IL 11 Kinzinger
IL 14 Hultrgren
IL 18 Schock
IL 19 Shimkus
KS 3 Yoder
KS 4 Pompeo
KY 4 Davis
KY 2 Guthrie
LA 1 Scalise
MD 6 Bartlett
MI 1 Benishek
MI 2 Kline
MI 4 Camp
NV 2 Amodel
NV 3 Heck
NJ 2 LoBiondo
NJ 3 Runyan
NY 3 King
NY 13 Grimm
OH 3 Turner
OH 5 Latta
OH 6 Johnson
OH 7 Austria
OH 15 Stivers
OK 1 Sullivan
OR 2 Walden
OK 4 Cole
PA 16 Pitts
PA 9 Shuster
SC 2 Wilson
SC 5 Mulvaney
SD  Noem
TN 1 Roe
TN 3 Fleischmann
TN 7 Blackburn
TX 4 Hall
TX 11 Conway
TX 22 Olson
TX 26 Burgess
TX 31 Carter
VA 1 Wittman
VA 4 Forbes
VA 5 Hurt
VA 6 Goodlatte
VA 9 Griffith
NOTE:You do not need to live in the state to call. Just ask for the Representative by name to reach their office and protest their CISPA speech.
(sample statement here)
“I and other concerned citizens I network with are totally opposed to HR 3523 CISPA. It usurps our right to privacy and by doing so also threatens our free speech as Americans. If you sponsor and/or vote for this CISPA bill I will not vote for you and will not contribute to your campaign  for reelection. This vote would show contempt for our Bill of Rights, no matter how you disguise or excuse it.”
Please send WAM your feedback from your CISPA calls to Congress and we’ll report it: 
Who stands against FED internet takeover? Few, so far, because money talks & exposure is low.
For those of US who thought the GOP was on our side, this is a sad wake-up call. First the end of private patent protections; then the NDAA (to permanently lock up Americans without due process and its Federalization of governors & state military/police personnel) and NOW: the FED right to spy on our every move — carte blanche — with help from their corporate friends.  CISPA Summary links:
Tell Congress this is NOT job we hired them for. Vote No!

Shredding The Bill of Rights. This monstrous bill is being moved under cover with no mainstream media attention – unlike SOPA. So, it is entirely up to We The People to SPREAD THE WORD of the imminent end of the free world as we have known it (no exaggeration there).
GOP House sponsor GOP Rep Miller of Michigan, responsible for this travesty, sounds as scarily arrogant as Harry Reid. When asked about public push-back against this anti-Constitutional elimination of the RIGHT TO PRIVACY—across the entire INTERNET, he wasn’t worried a a bit, describing citizen objections as just a little “turbulence on the way to a smooth landing.” See here.
The DHS dramatizes the “urgency” of FED NET Takeover to convince the Senate to pass CISPA — while Obama “pretends” he is opposed to it. See here. This exercise is propaganda. Sadly this bill can fly through the Senate — despite the fact that testimony shows that “overreaching security laws will do little to solve the problems at hand.” So we MUST stop CISPA this week in the House of Representatives.
Contact Congress now! Congressional Switchboard Number: (202) 224-3121  (You can use this number to reach officials outside of your district.)
Call Michelle Bachman – (202) 225- 2331
What is this leader of the TP Caucus thinking. There are big DEM $$ aimed to defeat her in November - She needs to hear her co-sponsorship of this bill will lose all Tea Party credibility and support!
Guess what state has the most total CISPA sponsors? California. 1 of 50 states has 10% of sponsors (of both parties) Why? To protect Hollywood, not We the People.
EMAIL Congress Now - Click this LINK to write your Representative Now.
Here’s a quick email sample protest to click copy and send or write your own email protest now:
If you sponsor and/or vote for CISPA – as my representative – I can no longer trust you nor vote for you nor support your campaign!”
ALTERNATE: POPVOX is a new means of reaching Congress and reacting to pending legislation. We can’t yet say how effective it is. But if you’d like to sign up there to express yourself that way (and also see their Tracker of public opinion on bills) go here to sign in and enter your opposition to CISPA and then track the bill:  www.popvox.comCheck this graphic out, for a poster of the dangers of CISPA.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Will Christians really vote for Romney?


Some Christian and conservative voters may have qualms with Mitt Romney – namely his record on key issues like abortion, same-sex marriage and gun rights – but should the former Massachusetts governor secure the GOP nomination, he can still count on them to pull the lever for a Republican … right?

For over 30 years Christians in politics have been considered synonymous with the “religious right” and the “conservative base of the Republican Party.” But now a pair of authors is challenging the assumption that backing the GOP remains Christians’ best bet for advancing their values. 
“This question was actually first raised by Joseph Farah himself four years ago in his book, ‘None of the Above,’” author and nationally syndicated radio host Steve Deace told WND. “In his book, he outlined the insanity of rallying behind John McCain, who had spent decades trying to sabotage everything conservatives care about.
“For some Christians, being Republican is synonymous with being Baptist or Catholic or Methodist,” Deace continued. “The Republican Party has preyed on that. We believe it’s time to advance principles over party. Becoming a subsidiary of the Republican Party has been a colossal failure.”
The Iowa-based Deace, who has been called a “kingmaker” in presidential politics after he helped springboard Mike Huckabee to a surprise win in the first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucus in 2008, has teamed with bestselling author and former CPAC emcee Gregg Jackson to write the eye-opening new book, “We Won’t Get Fooled Again: Where the Christian Right Went Wrong, and How to Make America Right Again.”
The book contains exclusive interviews with some of biggest names in faith and politics to find out – in their own words – whether Christians teaming with Republicans has actually advanced a conservative agenda … or stonewalled it.
“I’ll give you an example,” Deace told WND. “In the same week, the National Organization for Marriage endorsed Mitt Romney as a ‘true champion’ and then warned not to listen to his financial backers who are supporters of same-sex marriage. In the same week!
“Many patriots are scratching their heads and wondering how it’s possible to be stuck with ‘Obamney’ as a nominee right after so much progress was made electing principled grassroots patriots in 2010. This book answers that question,” Deace continued. “Romney isn’t the issue; he’s just the next well-funded hack to take advantage of a paradigm that sets us up for failure, and we’ve seen this play out many times.
“Ronald Reagan was the aberration,” Deace explained. “Ford, both Bushes, Dole, McCain and Romney are pretty much cut from the same cloth. … All of them were Republicrats, the ying to the ruling class’ Democrat yang. At best, they will better manage the decay, but at other times, actually advance it. We get what the left wants, either at breakneck speed or in a steady jog. If we do not heed the words of this book – most of them from some of the leading conservative activists and thinkers in the country – we will be stuck with another Mitt McCain or George W. Dole again in 2016.”  READ MORE

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Time for the Legislature to be Assertive


Let’s just put all the cards on the table: Governor Perry’s new Texas Budget Compact represents bold leadership and a commitment to solutions.  The “leadership” in the Texas Legislature has expressed extreme reluctance to back (and therefore enact) the tenets of the compact, essentially saying “well, that’s nice of the governor, but down here in the chamber we do things differently.”
The governor has not asked anyone to sign a pledge or made any sign that violating the separation of powers is part of his intent.  The tenets of the compact are straightforward, and Governor Perry told the Texas Tribune, “People are either going to be for them or not.” The Texas Budget Compact is not radical, nor does it violate any of the principles our legislative leaders claim to espouse.  Yet, the response, so eloquently phrased as “nice, but the Legislature needs to assert itself from time to time,” is curious.  If the Legislature won’t assert itself on things like truth in budgeting, opposing new taxes, and cutting unnecessary and duplicative government agencies and programs, then what exactly will they assert themselves on?
We hear a lot of promises during campaign season, but what we’re hearing from the so-called leadership of the Texas House of Representatives in particular is that they will make no promises.  Speaker Straus doesn’t sign pledges – though he certainly takes a different stance when it comes to pledge cards to keep him in power.  He’s telling voters, he will commit to nothing, either because he disagrees with the Texas Budget Compact or he has no intention of letting Governor Perry set a tone and agenda for the state without his go-ahead.
Despite the leadership’s non-committal stance, candidates for seats in both legislative chambers are already stepping forward to associate themselves with Governor Perry’s initiative.  More will come on board as the days go on and I urge you to ask candidates where they stand – are they for putting an end to accounting gimmicks, making government more efficient with the resources we have available now, and protecting the Rainy Day Fund?  Are they willing to discuss these things with their colleagues in Austin, and come up with a responsible plan that addresses the challenges our state is facing?
The Texas Budget Compact is the right thing for Texas, right now.  Governor Perry came back to Texas, rolled up his sleeves, and got to work knowing we have a legislative session coming in less than ten months.  Meanwhile, the “assertive” legislative branch spends more time telling us why they won’t pledge to protect Texas’ fiscal health than doing anything pro-active – there’s no peep of a budget plan coming from House leadership.

You know you live in Upside-down land if...

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

A Muslim officer crying "Allah Akbar" while shooting up an army
base is considered to have committed "Workplace Violence" while
an American citizen boasting a Ron Paul bumper sticker is
classified as a "Domestic Terrorist".

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions
of dollars of debt is to spend more money.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

A seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for calling his
teacher "cute" but hosting a sexual exploration class on a college
campus is perfectly acceptable.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower
 courts cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom,
while sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if..

Children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately
discipline them while children of "underprivileged" drug addicts
are left to rot in filth infested cesspools.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

Working class Americans pay for their own health care (and the
 health care of everyone else) while  
unmarried women are free to have child after child on the "State's" dime
while never being held responsible for their own choices.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and government
 intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded with EBT cards,
WIC checks, Medicaid and subsidized housing.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

Being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

Politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the
constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if..

The rights of the State come before the rights of the individual.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

Parents believe the State is responsible for providing for their children.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

You can write a post like this just by reading the news headlines.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

You pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big
 screen TV while your neighbor defaults on his mortgage (while
buying iphones, TV's and new cars) and the government forgives
his debt and reduces his mortgage (with your tax dollars).

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

Your government can add anything they want to your kid's water
(fluoride, chlorine, etc.) but you are not allowed to give them raw milk.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...
Being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you "safe".

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

You have to have your parents signature to go on a field trip but not
to get an abortion.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

You can get arrested for expired tags on your car but not for being
 in the country illegally.

You know you live in Upside-down Land if...

Using the "N" word is considered "hate speech" but writing and
 signing songs about raping women and killing cops is considered "art".

Unfortunately, this list could go on and on. Our world has been turned
upside-down. We are in distress. Where do we go from here?


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Texas today: Soldier from Texas dies in Afghanistan

How very sad whenever any of our "boys" dies in a war against fanatical Islam.  This man is a hero for us all.  I can tell you that he is more than a paragraph in a local paper. He is a son, maybe a father, a brother, a friend and I for one honor this man.  May God bless and put His arms of love around Sgt. Higgins entire family! -norino

WASHINGTON — An Army Ranger from East Texas died in an enemy attack in Afghanistan.

The Pentagon on Sunday said 23-year-old Sgt. Tanner S. Higgins of Yantis died Saturday in Logar province of eastern Afghanistan when his unit came under enemy small-arms fire.

Higgins was assigned to 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, at Hunter Army Airfield, Fort Stewart, Ga



 Join with WomenOnTheWall.Org and other Tea Party group leaders and activists across Texas in saying, “NO TO PLEDGE CARDS.” 

It is unbelievable that the Texas Legislature allows the Texas House Speaker to strong-arm fellow legislators into pledging their votes for the House Speaker’s Race in 2013 before the current session has even ended. This practice is unethical and perhaps even illegal and it is time for members of the Texas Legislature to pledge their support to their citizen constituents, not the power brokers in Texas business and politics! Time to end corruption in Texas politics. Sign the Grassroots Texans Open Letter to members of the Texas House (click link below), urging them to stand for the people and not sign pledge cards. From our Friends at Grassroots Texans: As the Texas State Legislature draws to a close, the House Leadership is right now pressuring House members to sign ‘pledge cards,’ which are pledges of loyalty to the current House leadership. If you believe, as I do, that our elected public servants owe their loyalty to THE PEOPLE rather than to the House leadership, I encourage you to join me in signing on to this Open Letter urging our elected public servants to refuse to sign ‘pledge cards’: With enough of our fellow Texans standing with us, we can let our elected officials know, in no uncertain terms, that we expect them to express their loyalty to THE PEOPLE, not to other politicians.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012



Representative Ralph Sheffield is running for his third term in District 55.  Here are 19 questions regarding what he believes and how he has performed up to this point.  These cast a large shadow on whether or not his decision making deserves your vote again this May 29th

1.               Why didn’t he support the most conservative candidate for Speaker of the House (He signed pledged card to Straus)?

Election of Speaker (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
January 11, 2011; RV #1; Journal Page 15:
132 Yeas, 15 Nays, 2 Presentnotvoting
YCT - Nay or Presentnotvoting.
Prior to the start of the 82nd Session, YCT endorsed Rep. Ken Paxton for Speaker of the Texas House and issued a press release stating that we would include the vote for speaker in our legislative ratings. Speaker Straus hails from the Moderate wing of the Republican Party. His leadership during the 81st legislative session and during the 82nd legislative session has been disappointing to many conservatives. Rep. Paxton, on the other hand, is a proven conservative who currently holds the highest career rating on YCT’s legislative ratings.

2.                Is he willing to document for his constituents whether he agrees, disagrees or is undecided on every line item on the Texas Republican Party Platform?
3.                How does he think the 82nd session was a success if only 14 of the 46 Republican Party Platform Priorities made it out of committee to be voted on in the house chamber?
4.                Why did he tell the Conservative Tea Party Group that Straus punished Republicans and then change his story for the Temple Daily Telegram, saying “it’s not punishment its just part of the process?”
5.                 In the same article he said anyone not being apart of the process (influence peddling) is a “renegade.”  Isn’t disregarding the Republican Party platform established by 6000 delegates more in line of acts of a renegade?
6.                Why does he think punishing legislators for voting their conscience isn’t a crime when the Texas Constitution says it is?
Texas Constitution
Texas Statutes
Sec. 302.033.  LEGISLATIVE BRIBERY:  ACCEPTING BENEFITS.  A member of or candidate for the house of representatives commits an offense if, on the representation or understanding that the member or candidate will cast a vote for a particular person for speaker of the house of representatives, the member or candidate solicits, accepts, or agrees to accept:
(1)  the appointment of or refusal to appoint a person to a chairmanship or vice-chairmanship of a house committee or subcommittee;
(2)  the appointment of or refusal to appoint a person to a particular house committee or subcommittee, the Legislative Budget Board, the Texas Legislative Council, the Legislative Library Board, the Legislative Audit Committee, or any other position the speaker appoints;
(3)  preferential or unfavorable treatment on any legislation or appropriation;

7.               Why did he support a smoking ban last session when he was against in 2008 saying it’s a property rights issue? Why isn’t it a Property Rights issue any more?
SB 1811 Floor Amendment 55  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Adoption; May 20, 2011; RV #1216; Journal Page 4547:
79 Yeas, 58 Nays, 3 Presentnotvoting
YCT - Yea.
Amendment 55 amended the provisions of Amendment 53 to exempt billiard halls from a statewide ban on smoking in public businesses. Besides limiting the scope of a regulation YCT opposed, this amendment was positive for two primary reasons. First, billiard halls consistently spokeout at legislative hearings opposing the regulation. Second, the exemption acknowledged that smoking bans negatively impact some businesses more than others. Businesses like billiard halls and bowling alleys have been particularly hardhit by smoking bans because the laws require smokers to leave their game in order to go outside and smoke.
 SB 1811 Floor Amendment 53  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Adoption; May 20, 2011; RV #1217; Journal Page 4549:
73 Yeas, 66 Nays, 3 Presentnotvoting
YCT - Nay.
Amendment 53 would have imposed a statewide ban on smoking in public businesses. YCT strongly opposes a statewide smoking ban because it violates the rights of property owners to decide what to allow in their own businesses. Those who would like a smoke free environment should seek out businesses which do not allow smoking. Those businesses who would like to cater to those customers who desire to smoke in their bar or other business should be free to provide that service.

8.                Why did he reject prioritizing funding for the Department of Aging and disability over the Commission on the Arts?
HB 1 Floor Amendment 6  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Adoption; April 1, 2011; RV #215; Journal Page 1240:
67 Yeas, 61 Nays, 17 Presentnotvoting
YCT - Yea.
Amendment 6 transferred money from the Commission on the Arts to the Department of Aging and
Disability Services. During tough fiscal times, the state is forced to prioritize where it spends money, and it is important that spending be prioritized for the provision of those services on which people rely for their health and safety, rather than being spent to subsidize luxuries, like the arts.  However, YCT believes that Amendment 6 offered an obvious public policy choice, as subsidies to the arts are completely unnecessary, especially when funds are needed to fund services for the elderly and the disabled.

9.                  Why does he favor mandatory vaccination schemes?
SB 1107
Passage; May 6, 2011; RV #817; Journal Page 3129:
122 Yeas, 14 Nays, 2 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
SB 1107 expands a mandatory bacterial meningitis vaccination program passed during the 81st legislative session to include all incoming students at Texas institutions of higher education, even those students who elect to live off‐campus.  YCT opposes mandatory vaccination schemes, especially those which do not provide alternatives for those who choose not to participate.
SB 7 Floor Amendment 11 (Special Session)  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Motion to Table; June 8, 2011; RV #11; Journal Page 45:
84 Yeas, 52 Nays, 1 Presentnotvoting
YCT  - Nay on Motion to Table.
Amendment 11 would have required state regulated healthcare policies to provide a waiver from mandatory immunizations for those who object on religious grounds. YCT opposes mandatory immunization schemes and supports optouts for those who choose not to participate.

10.           Why didn’t he stand up against attempts to fund a Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transsexual Resource Center on a State Campus? Young Conservatives of Texas Grade Sheet.
SB 1 Floor Amendment 150 (Special Session)  (According to Young Conservatives of Texas)
Adoption; June 9, 2011; RV #53; Journal Page 340:
44 Yeas, 92 Nays, 3 Presentnotvoting
YCT  - Nay.
REP. SHEFFIELD – Unexcused Absence (= to blocking the attempt to prohibit universities from funding LGBT resource centers).
Amendment 150 gutted the provisions of Amendment 148 which would have prohibited universities from providing funding, space, or resources for an LGBT or otherwise labeled homosexual resource center.
This amendment was a followup to the “Traditional Family Values Center” amendment offered on the budget during the regular session but sought to cut to the chase by completely eliminating prohomosexual political centers from our universities.
YCT believes that taxpayer money and mandatory student fees should not be spent on brick and mortar centers which promote a political and social agenda.

11.             How is it possible for him to take credit for a bill that was being created before he arrived in Austin?  Isn’t that misleading and make his most effective legislator award fraudulent?
Video of the House Floor on April 19th at the 7:15:43 into the video.  Representative Gonzalez asks Sheffield; “is the first time this body as seen this piece of legislation Mr. Sheffield?” Sheffield; “No it is not.”  Gonzalez; in fact this bill has been a work in progress for at least 4 years, that I am familiar with, that I have been a part of, does that sound about right? Sheffield; “very much so.”
12.             Why did he say Straus helped Representative Simpson when Representative Simpson said Straus block his TSA bill and publically called it a publicity stunt?
13.              Why did he tell his constituents that people are too conservative?
14.              Why did he tell his constituents that the Tea Party has lost its influence?
15.             Why does he tell people they passed a balanced budget when they know there are planned deficits in the budget and the next session is already in a deficit?
16.             Why does he say the Rainy day fund was preserved when he knows they will need to use it next session because of the planned deficits?
17.             Why didn’t he reject a hotel tax to begin with before saying he was for it in the local newspaper?
18.             Why does he act like he’s sympathetic to Donald Bull Locksmith for being adversely affected by over regulation yet voted for more in the last session?
HB 1625
Passage; April 13, 2011; RV #365; Journal Page 1745:
MORE REGULATIONS140 Yeas, 5 Nays, 1 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
REP. SHEFFIELD - Yea                                          
HB 1625 increases the continuing education requirements necessary to renew an electrical sign apprentice license. This is another measure that begs the question: “What is the glaring need for this regulation?” Legislators should avoid the temptation to regulate professions; the benefits are questionable and the primary demand for regulation usually comes from rent seekers within the profession who wish to create barriers to entry in order to decrease competition and drive up prices.
HB 1395
Passage; May 4, 2011; RV #708; Journal Page 2864:
MORE REGULATIONS134 Yeas, 7 Nays, 2 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
HB 1395 will phase-in mandatory boater education courses and licenses for people born after September 1, 1993 to legally operate a boat. YCT opposes unnecessary licensing and regulation. This regulation will present a new burden to the enjoyment of boating by all Texans.
HB 2678
Passage; May 6, 2011; RV #813; Journal Page 3124:
MORE REGULATIONS129 Yeas, 5 Nays, 2 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
HB 2678 imposed new requirements for the certification of driving instructors and courses. YCT opposes unnecessary licensing and regulation. This regulation will present new burdens to the provision of driver education and will likely increase driver education costs.
HB 2507
Passage; May 13, 2011; RV #1102; Journal Page 3960:
MORE REGULATIONS125 Yeas, 11 Nays, 1 Present-not-voting
YCT - Nay.
HB 2507 created the offense of installing an irrigation system without a license. This measure begs the question, “What is the desperate need for this new criminal offense?” Legislators should avoid the temptation to regulate professions as the benefits are questionable, and the primary demand for regulation usually comes from rent seekers within the profession and who wish to create barriers to entry to decrease competition and drive up prices.

19.             Why won’t he debate his only competitor in the upcoming election, John Alaniz in a Lincoln/Douglas Debate?

 I think these are all fair questions that should be asked of Representative Sheffield before the election.  You can contact him @

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